

usage: asthook [-h] [-v] [--config_xxhdpi CONFIG_XXHDPI]
                   [--verbose {debug,info,warning}] [--verbose_position]
                   [--config CONFIG [CONFIG ...]]
                   [--restore_output RESTORE_OUTPUT [RESTORE_OUTPUT ...]]
                   [--output {none,json}] [--output-file OUTPUT_FILE]
                   [--sdktools SDKTOOLS] [--version_android VERSION_ANDROID]
                   [--server SERVER] [--tree]
                   [--tree_path TREE_PATH [TREE_PATH ...]]
                   [--tree_exclude TREE_EXCLUDE [TREE_EXCLUDE ...]]
                   [--decompiler {none,jd-gui,cfr,procyon,fernflower,jadx}]
                   [--no_cache] [--progress] [--graph_ast] [--debug_ast]
                   [--seek_literal SEEK_LITERAL [SEEK_LITERAL ...]]
                   [--cloud_analysis] [--taint {normal,render}]
                   [--list_read_write] [--vuln_intent {normal,poc}]
                   [--vuln_broadcast {normal,poc}] [--test] [--PathTraversal]
                   [--vuln_data VULN_DATA] [--simplify_graph]
                   [--provider PROVIDER] [--api_keys {normal,full}]
                   [--list_funcs LIST_FUNCS LIST_FUNCS] [--user_input]
                   [--gen_hook GEN_HOOK [GEN_HOOK ...]]
                   [--list_funcs_call LIST_FUNCS_CALL LIST_FUNCS_CALL]
                   [--types] [--basic_vulns] [--name_file]
                   [--env_apks ENV_APKS [ENV_APKS ...]] [--phone PHONE]
                   [--no-emulation] [--noinstall] [--proxy PROXY]
                   [--proxy_cert PROXY_CERT] [--no_erase]
                   [--nativehook NATIVEHOOK [NATIVEHOOK ...]] [--files_store]
                   [--quickhook [QUICKHOOK [QUICKHOOK ...]]] [--sslpinning]

Analysis for smartphone

positional arguments:
  app                   app target <filename.apk>

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show version
  --config_xxhdpi CONFIG_XXHDPI
                        adding xxhdpi files from google api downloader
  --verbose {debug,info,warning}
                        active verbose
  --verbose_position    give verbose position
  --config CONFIG [CONFIG ...]
                        Load config file
  --restore_output RESTORE_OUTPUT [RESTORE_OUTPUT ...]
                        Load restore file
  --output {none,json}
  --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
  --sdktools SDKTOOLS   path of the sdktools for the emulation and some
                        android sdktools like the compilation of apk
  --version_android VERSION_ANDROID
                        version targeted to compile poc. don't forget to
                        install the correct one: sdkmanager
                        "platforms;android-XX" "build-tools;XX.Y.Z" where
                        XX.Y.Z is version targeted
  --server SERVER       Use a server to delegate compute and take advantage of
                        RAM cache to use: --server

  --tree                Active syntaxical analyse
  --tree_path TREE_PATH [TREE_PATH ...]
                        Analyse only a portion of apk
  --tree_exclude TREE_EXCLUDE [TREE_EXCLUDE ...]
                        Expludes directory to analyszed
  --decompiler {none,jd-gui,cfr,procyon,fernflower,jadx}
  --no_cache            disable cache and reparse all files in scope
  --progress            Display percent when it analyse static code
  --graph_ast           Draw a AST graph of the apk source code
  --debug_ast           print error encounter during the browsing of AST

  --seek_literal SEEK_LITERAL [SEEK_LITERAL ...]
                        seek Literal specify wit regexp
  --cloud_analysis      verify firebaseio
  --taint {normal,render}
                        taint variable node
  --list_read_write     list all read and write on filesystem
  --vuln_intent {normal,poc}
                        found vuln intent
  --vuln_broadcast {normal,poc}
                        found potential vuln broadcast
  --test                test
  --PathTraversal       For the demo
  --vuln_data VULN_DATA
                        found vuln intent deeplink
  --simplify_graph      Simplify the graph to remove all uselessnode
  --provider PROVIDER   analyse provider
  --api_keys {normal,full}
                        find api keys
  --list_funcs LIST_FUNCS LIST_FUNCS
                        list all funcs with regex as follow: --list_funcs
                        <class_regex> <function_regex>
  --user_input          list all users input
  --gen_hook GEN_HOOK [GEN_HOOK ...]
                        generate hook
                        list all funcs called with regex as follow:
                        --list_funcs_call <class_regex> <function_regex>
  --types               grab type of elements
  --basic_vulns         seek several potentials vulns
  --name_file           store the name of the file to be accessible by Node

  --env_apks ENV_APKS [ENV_APKS ...]
  --phone PHONE         phones target emulator -list-avds
  --no-emulation        use a physical phone (useful for buetooth option)
  --noinstall           Application will not be installed and suggest that it
                        was already install
  --proxy PROXY         setup proxy address <ip>:<port>
  --proxy_cert PROXY_CERT
                        setup proxy address <filename>.cer
  --no_erase            no erase data of phones

  --nativehook NATIVEHOOK [NATIVEHOOK ...]
                        hook native hook
  --files_store         store all files read or written by application
  --quickhook [QUICKHOOK [QUICKHOOK ...]]
                        give a list a js file to hook
  --sslpinning          bypass all sslpinning
  --files_del           prevent all files deleted


For the moment we only focus on the main program “asthook”

To begin the first step is to decompile the apk: You can choose one of these decompiler: jd-gui, cfr, procyon, fernflower, jadx


  • cfr: quick and efficient (use apkx)

  • procyon: quick and a little bit less efficient (use apkx)

  • jadx: slower and make some mistake but a good alternative if these 2 first doesn’t works

  • jd-gui: very slower but less mistake and works for the most of the case

  • fernflower: Not really complete


option decompiler is needed only the first time when you already used it the tool get back the backup of the decompilation

asthook <apk> --decompiler <decompiler>


asthook example.apk --decompiler cfr

On this example the tool create on temp the directory example.apk:

└── example.apk
    ├── decompiled_app
    ├── dumpfile.pcap
    └── ...


Option verbose is really useful when tools didn’t work as expected

asthook example.apk --verbose {debug, info, warning}

If you don’t specify option verbose only errors will be show to you

  • debug: show you all messages useful when you wrote a new plugin

  • info: show you all message except debug message what I advise you if you have not the behavior excepted

  • warning: show behavior no expected but with no incidents on your analyse

Export Output and reinject previous analyse

To extract data you can get back like standard output with –output none parameters or in json format with –output json you just need after to precise the –output-file <file> to store it in a file.

If you extract it in json is possible to reinject the previous analysis on the tool to speed up the new analysis thanks to –restore_output <file>.

Output and input configuration files

Load a config file and work with your team

To avoid a big command line is possible to create one or some yaml file will load parameters used for the analysis.

An example of yaml file config.yaml

  - tree: true
  - tree_path: "/com/"

  - gen_hook:
    - "TraceEvents.nativeDisableProviders"
  - list_funcs:
    - '^.*'
    - '^.*'

  - sdktools: "/usr/lib/android-sdk"
  - phone: "phone_audit2"
  - proxy: ""
  - proxy_cert: "misc/burp.der"

  - sslpinning: true

In commandline this should be:

asthook example.apk --config config.yaml
# before:
asthook example.apk --tree --tree_path /com/ --gen_hook "TraceEvents.nativeDisableProviders" --list_funcs '^.*' '^.*' --sdktools "/usr/lib/android-sdk" --phone "phone_audit2" --proxy "" --proxy_cert "misc/burp.der" --sslpinning

You can prepare different files and load it all together:

asthook example.apk --config config.yaml config2.yaml

So it’s possible to share a config file for an analysis and load it with these personal files.

Export analysis

To export your analysis –output {none,json} –output-file OUTPUT_FILE

Reuse previous analysis or external information

To reuse a previous analysis on a new analysis or if you want to inject some data in you can use restore_output option. This option will take a json file with the same structure as in output.

asthook --restore_output myoutput.json


Sdktools is really important if you want to emulate a phone and use the functionality allow the tool to make some valid APK.

The path you should specify is the same where you install the sdktools during the setup

Analyse an apk and its environment

Apk with different xxhdpi

If an apk has some external resources, you can put into the xxhdpi format and pass it on arguments like that:

asthook example.apk --config_xxhdpi file.xxhdpi
asthook example.apk --env_apks apk1.apk apk2.apk

Static Mode

Dynamic Mode