Dynamic Mode
On the dynamic mode the tool allows to be run on the material phone or on an emulator.
Be careful if you use a material phone the binary frida-server on bin/frida-server should be replaced by an arm version https://github.com/frida/frida/releases
Launch your first dynamic analysis
On emulator
Options needed to works are:
phone: is the name given by the avdmanager when you create the virtual phone to list your available phone:
<sdktools>/emulator/emulator -list-avds
sdktools: the path you should specify is the same where you install the sdktools during the setup
When an emulator is already launching. His beahvior is as a material devices
Be careful when you create your virtual phone I advise choosing a phone without google API to have a phone already rooted.
If the device exists but the error no device found appear:
I advise you to active verbose info: The following line can be displayed:
emulator: ERROR: Running multiple emulators with the same AVD is an experimental feature.
- To fix it you should probably:
check if an other instance is running
remove the lock file in ~/.android/avd/<avd_name>.avd/
On material
Options needed to works are:
phone: is the name of your phone you can obtain it with
adb devices
no-emulation: no parameter only specify to not used the emulator
Keep your environment safe
If your environment is already setup, you can avoid to reinstall the apk with option –noinstall and if you use an emultor option –no_erase avoid the default processing which clean environment of the phone when you launch it.
asthook --config config.yaml --no_erase --noinstall
Intercep https traffic with a proxy
To intercept the https traffic you can pass the parameters:
–proxy <address>:<port> with address of proxy
–proxy_cert <cert.der> with the CA certificate of the proxy with DER format
For instance if you want to download your certificate and you used Burp:
On your computer with Burp running, visit http://burpsuite and click the “CA Certificate” link. Save the certificate file on your computer.
Analyse an apk and its environment
Multi apk
If you have for an analysis an apk which can’t works without some other apk you can setup this environment automatically thanks to –env_apks
To use plugins available each plugin should have documentation you can find all plugins available here: