How to contribute

For all modification on core code you just need to clone the project and make a merge-request


If you don’t have the capabilities to make your idea open a issue and wait ;)

But the best way to add some functionality is to add a plugin module. Static modules and dynamic modules are easy to add and have quietly same organization.

For instance for the seekLitteral module you need to create a directory on the module folder with file inside.


Inside you need to have one class. This class have a decorator @ModuleStaticCmd for static and @ModuleDynamicCmd for dynamic

@ModuleStaticCmd("seek_literal", "seek Literal specify with regexp", str, "+")

This decorator contains:

  • Name: how to call it;

  • Description for help;

  • Type of parameters;

  • Number of parameters (Optional : 0 if bool 1 else).

Create your module