Generate APK

To generate an APK you should generate JavaFile with the format Jinja2 and then call the function GenerateAPK with: - the name of the APK to build; - the JavaFile for the manifest; - the list of JavaFile of the APK; - args to build the APK; - tmp_dir the path where the APK is store.

from asthook.static.generate_apk import GenerateAPK, JavaFile

manifest = JavaFile("/AndroidManifest.xml",
         path + "AndroidManifest.xml",
         {'app' : app,
          'activity' : activity})
 exploit = JavaFile("/exploit/intent/",
         path + "/java/exploit/intent/",
         {'app' : app,
          'activity' : activity,
          'parameters' : parameters,
          'data': Data,
          'datas': Datas})
 GenerateAPK("vulnIntent_%s_%s" % (activity, k),
         self.args, self.get_tmp())