Welcome to ASTHOOK’s documentation 1.0.17!
Asthook allows making a static analysis and a dynamic analysis of application content. The great advantage of this tool is its modularity and the possibility of teamwork. This tool brings 2 functionalities rarely highlighted is the automated creation of APK for POC, as well as the syntax and tint analysis of the source code.
- Many plug-ins allowing analyzing the application are already present such as :
The search for literals in the source code
Lists the set of read and write functions on the file system.
The search for exploitable vulnerable Intent and generation of an apk poc
The list of all user entry points
The function search called in the apk
Function search in the apk
Automatic generation of a hook on a function
Automatic installation of the certificate
Automated bypass of SSL pinning
Recovery of deleted files
At first to works the tools need to decompile and prepare the apk on the directory temp/<apk>. You will find on this directory the apk decompiled and some stuff put here by some plugins like wireshark trace or apk poc built.
The static analysis will transform the apk on a AST (Abstract Syntaxical Tree) and do a Deth-First Search to analyse all function/variables etc.
The link of the project https://gitlab.com/MadSquirrels/mobile/asthook